Unleash capacity


Professional coaching

Coaching: communications skills put into an effective system. Awareness, focus and a sense of responsibility are three key concepts. Taking people from idea to action. Promoting positive behaviour and abolishing negative behaviour. Through awareness of one’s own values, goals and strengths, having the right focus and making appropriate choices - both at work and at home.

• One-on-one coaching, 4-month programme:

Consists of 8 sessions (one lasting 2 hours and the remainder lasting 50 minutes). A robust partnership is established that sets a clear focus on the direction of the process. Awareness of values, strengths, driving forces and obstacles is an important component of the programme. Emphasis is also placed on responsibility, obligations, action and evaluation.

• One-on-one coaching, 1-year programme:

Consists of 15 sessions (one lasting 2 hours and the remainder lasting 50 minutes). In essence, the process is the same as the one above, but this programme ensures further endorsement of the new, changed behaviour and can also accommodate several main focus areas in parallel or sequentially.

Reorganisation / organisational changes

An reorganisation programme can be a good way forward when an organisation is faced with streamlining and downsizing. Such processes have a significant effect on the company’s culture, not just for those who lose their jobs but also for those who remain. Our reorganisation programme, lasting 3 or 6 months, helps former employees to move on to new careers.
The core element of the programme is the individual meetings, each lasting 1-1½ hours.